How Do I Close My Ally Bank Account?

Millions of people change bank accounts each year. But there’s a lot to consider, whether you’re using Chase or Ally Bank.

So how can you close an Ally Bank account? Here’s everything you need to know to get you started.

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Closing an Ally Bank Account

There are two primary ways you can close your Ally bank profile, including by phone or submitting a written appeal. You can call Ally bank at 877-247-2559 to request that your bank information is closed. Or you can submit a written appeal to the official Ally Bank P.O. box.

How to End an Ally Account

Unfortunately, Ally bank doesn’t have a straightforward button for deleting accounts. You’ll need to contact Ally bank directly to close your account. You can contact Ally bank in one of two ways, including:

  • Call Ally bank at 877-247-2559 to start the process
  • Submit a written appeal to the official Ally bank P.O. box.

How Do I Close My Ally Bank Account

Call Ally Bank

You can call Ally bank directly to speak with a customer support agent to close your bank account. You can Ally bank at 877-247-2559 to start the process. Remember that you might need personal information, documentation, and other details to ensure the process goes smoothly.

It’s also important to keep in mind that the customer support agent might try to discourage you from closing your account. A customer support agent or bank cannot stop you from closing your account, so these are the only tactics to get you to stay longer. You can avoid tactics or promotional offerings by submitting a written letter if you find it necessary.

Submit a Written Appeal

You can also send a formal appeal to Ally Bank directly to close your account. You can mail written appeals to the official Ally Bank P.O. box. You can find the P.O. box information by clicking here.

How to Write a Written Appeal

Some individuals prefer to write a written appeal when it comes to closing a bank account. written appeals and letters might be less intensive than dealing with customer support agents and phone lines. Some basic information you might include in a written letter include:

  • You’ll need to specify why you’re submitting the written letter.
  • State that you’re requesting to permanently close your bank account and end the partnership.
  • Ensure you include the associated accounts that you would like to end.
  • Ask for a written confirmation letter notifying you when your account has been closed.

Keep in mind that you might need to include additional details, documentation, and attachments. The time frame for written account closings varies greatly depending on the situation.

Can I Access My Information After I Close My Account?

You can access and view your Ally Bank profile information online for up to 60 days after you close your account. What’s more, is that you can search tax forms and statements within the last seven years even if all your associated accounts are closed.

Other Factors to Keep in Mind

There are some additional factors to keep in mind when closing a bank account. You might want to find a new bank beforehand, cancel any transactions, get documentation, and more before closing a bank account. Here are some additional tips to consider.

Find a New Bank First

You’ll want to find a new bank before closing your old bank account. You might already have a bank in mind, or you might be researching. Be sure to consider what features you want, including checks, debit cards, overdraft protection, bill pay, etc. You’ll also want to consider annual percentage yield, compound interest, interest rates, fees, etc.

Doing your research beforehand can ensure you’re selecting a bank that matches your needs and preferences.

End All Transactions

Ensure you’re canceling any automatic deposits or payments from your old bank account. For instance, you might have your work paycheck on direct deposit and need to cancel this with your bank or workplace beforehand. You’ll want to set up direct deposit at your new bank ahead of time to avoid paper checks or fees.

You might also have automatic bill payments and withdrawals associated with your old bank account. Be sure you’re canceling these transactions, subscriptions, and payments ahead of time. Doing so will help you avoid any late fees or overdraft charges.

Transfer Your Balance

Be sure you’re transferring and withdrawing your balance ahead of time. You’ll want to consider contacting the bank directly to ensure the account is permanently closed, and all funds are withdrawn. Ensure you’re collecting any interest and double-check everything to be sure.

Get Documentation

You’ll want to request a written confirmation of your account once you close it. Ensure you’re requesting a written confirmation through official channels that include any necessary details. It’s best to double-check with your old bank even if you receive a confirmation letter. Doing so will prevent you from missing any details or receiving any fees.

Close an Ally Bank Account

You can close an Ally Bank account in two ways, including by phone or by mailing a written appeal. You can call Ally Bank at 877-247-2559 to request that your bank information is closed and start the process. Or you can submit a formal appeal to the official Ally Bank P.O. box.

Ensure you’re canceling any transactions, automatic payments, or subscriptions before closing your account. You’ll also want to receive a written confirmation once your account has been closed to avoid any unnecessary consequences.

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